Brand new!!!! Cheapest ever !!!
Macedonian into English for $0.02 per source word.
For further question regarding the translation please
use our contact mail: sasho_k3s@yahoo.com
Phone numbers: 00389- 78-55-11-33
My skype address : sasho_k3s
Translate into Macedonian
Translate documents or web sites into Macedonian. Affordable prices: $0.02 per translated word
We are company which employs freelance translators from all over the world. We are working in translation
field for more than 7 years.
Our team of translators are offering:
Translations from Macedonian to English – vice versa
• Serbian to English
• Croatian to English
• Russian to English
• Writing ( high quality articles with no typos, grammatical errors and 100% original)
• Rewriting articles
• Data entry
• Typing
We can work in any MS office application.
ako sakate prevod na eden specificen zbor od Angliski na makedonski mozete da go koristite ovoj recnik